August Calendar For A Cause- 7 Billion Ones “The Road I Call Home”


If you are from the Springfield area, you have most likely heard about experienced photographer Randy Bacon.  Randy and his wife Shannon created an organization and called it 7 Billion Ones.  The vision of this organization, “is to change the world- through people and their stories.”  7 Billion Ones is a local non-profit organization that helps individuals realize that they matter.  No matter what they have been through or are currently going through, their story is important and needs to be heard.  “The Road I Call Home” project through 7 Billion Ones promotes life stories and portraits and helps raise awareness about homelessness.  Sitting in on a few of the photo shoots of the homeless or previously homeless individuals was life changing.  The feeling was once best described as “wrecked” after listening to what some of the individuals previously went through.  With the asking of questions and stating key words, you could see every emotion on their faces.  Happy, sad, nervous, overwhelmed and beaten down just to name a few.  Their stories of what they went through are things that no one can imagine and hope to never go through.  These individuals are stronger because of their experiences with homelessness.

We helped raise awareness about this wonderful organization during the month of August by promoting it every Friday on the Hogan Land Title social media pages.  Promoting included sharing exciting news and upcoming events that 7 Billion Ones was involved in during the month of August.  We invite you to visit their website and read some of the incredible stories about people right here in the Ozarks and what they have overcome both mentally and physically.  Thank you 7 Billion Ones for allowing us to help raise awareness about the incredible things you are doing!  We can’t wait to see where 2018 takes your organization!

Josh Stewart