Are you a Lender or Buyer?
Fee EstimatePowered by Hogan Land Title Company |
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Policy Type:Result
Loan Amount:Result
Section B or C Fees
Title - Lender's Policy Risk Rate
Title - Lender Simultaneous Issue Title
Service Fee: Result
Title - Owner's Title Policy Service Fee * Result
Title - Purchase Closing Fee Result
Title - Buyer's/Lender's CPL Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Email Document Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Overnight Processing Fee *** Result
Title - E-Record Processing Fee ($5 per doc) Result
Section H Fees
Title - Owner's Policy Risk Rate Result
Total Fees
Total: Result
Buyer's Fees
Section B or C Fees
Lender's Title Service Charge *
Lender's Title Policy / Risk Rate
Refinance Closing Fee
Title Search and Exam **
Owner's Title Service Charge * Result
Owner's Title Policy / Risk Rate Result
Lender's Simultaneous Issue ** Result
Purchase Closing Fee Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Email Document Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Overnight Processing Fee *** Result
Title - E-Record Processing Fee Result
Closing Protection Letter Result
Total Fees: Result
Sellers Fees
Sellers Closing Fee Result
Sellers Search/Exam Fee Result
Closing Protection Letter Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee*** Result
Total Fees Result
* Does not include Search and Exam Fees
** Title Service Charge $46.00 + Risk Rate $4.00
** For Greene, Christian, Stone, and Taney Counties only
*** May not be applicable to all transactions.