In the 1930’s Leonard Thieme and Jesse Smith started an abstract company for Greene county called Thieme-Hunt Abstract Company. At that time, almost all real estate transactions were handled by extending the abstract of title to a current date and having the abstract examined by an attorney. The attorney wrote an opinion on the status of the title and if the title was acceptable to both the buyer and the lender, the transaction would close.
It wasn’t until 1953 that a young 23-year-old Jack Hogan from West Plains, Missouri would move to Springfield in pursuit of a career in the abstract business. A few months after searching around Springfield Jack was able to land a spot at Thieme – Hunt Abstract. He began working for no-pay, sweeping floors, and doing deliveries on the city bus in order to learn the in’s and out’s the abstract business.
11 years later Jack had worked his way to the top and was presented with an opportunity to buy the company. On January 24th, 1964 Jack filed with the Secretary of State to begin operating under a new name. Hogan Land Title Company.
In the 1930’s Leonard Thieme and Jesse Smith started an abstract company for Greene county. At that time almost all real estate transactions were handled by extending the abstract of title to a current date and having the abstract examined by an attorney. The attorney wrote an opinion on the status of the title and if the title was acceptable to both the buyer and the lender, the transaction was close.
It was Thieme & Smith who built the arbitrary tract index books we still use today. In 1953 Jack Hogan joined then Thieme-Hunt Abstract Company. In 1959, Jack bought the company but it wasn’t until 1964 that he made it official and started operating under the name Hogan Land Title Company.
Jack went on to build the very strong, family owned and operated company that still thrives today. Several of Hogan’s employees have been with our company for over 20 years and some over 35 and 40 years.
Jack had always been on the cusp of innovation. In the 1980’s the business model changed to the issuance of title insurance policies due to lenders selling their loans in the secondary market (Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, etc). These national lenders would not accept abstracts and attorney’s opinions but insisted on title policies. Hogan Land Title was quick to adapt. Jack also developed, marketed and implemented one of the first pieces of software directly designed for the title industry.
Hogan Land Title Company continues to thrive today and is still a family owned and operated operation. Jack’s daughter, Kim Hogan Chaffin is the President of the company and manages the business along with Jack’s son Bud Hogan serving as a Vice President and Kim’s Husband Keith Chaffin as Vice President.
The company has grown a lot since 1964. It now has four offices in Springfield (including the biggest title plant in Greene County), one in Christian County, Stone County and Taney County. The company employs approximately 50 full time employees and all assets remain local to help keep our local economy thriving. The company is also very involved in local charities and works hard to preserve our natural resources.
Hogan Land Title Company. Secure. Fast. Accurate.
Continuing what Jack Hogan Started in 1964.