The Houses We Grew Up In with Doug Pitt

“The best compliment I can give to this community is that I chose to raise my kids here,” Doug Pitt said from the living room of his childhood home, “there’s a reason I still live and bike just a few miles away from here.”

Springfield holds a special place in our hearts and we know it does for lots of other folks as well. So, we decided to help rekindle some great memories for Springfield natives by taking them back to the houses they grew up in. We reached out to Doug Pitt, founder of Care to Learn and he was excited to revisit his childhood home. After a title search, we found his childhood home and contacted the current owners.  The homeowners were pleased to share in the memories of Doug’s childhood and welcomed him into their home!

Upon entering the home, Mr. Pitt immediately began to recall things he hadn’t remembered in years. He remembered falling down the stairs. He told us about how he secured the largest bedroom, despite being the youngest of three siblings. He remembered laying on the floor, listening to the Beatles for the first time. He remembered a story about his brother Brad bringing home a sapling from school and how his father helped to plant it. Then he looked up at the tree and said “I guess this is what 40 years of growth looks like.”

The homes we grow up in are more than just a backdrop for the memories we hold dear in our hearts. They are part of the fabric of those memories. According to Doug, it’s not the major things he remembered most, it was the minor things, the little moments that made the home special to revisit.

Like Doug, we believe that Springfield is an amazing place to raise a family for generations and we’d love to help you find your place here as well.


We’d like to thank Mr. Pitt for his time and we hope he had as much fun as we did in taking a trip down memory lane with him. 

Josh Stewart