May Calendar For A Cause- Springfield Police Foundation


The Springfield Police Foundation was established in 2015 to help raise funds for our local police force. The main focus of this foundation is to help train, provide equipment needed for our police personnel and educate our officers.  As the founding sponsor of the event, Black Loves Blue, we were able to help create and hold the first annual block party fundraiser for this incredible organization.  Finding sponsors to hop on board, reaching out to different vendors such as food, t-shirts and drinks just to name a few and hiring a band for the evening were among some of the key components put into making this such a successful event.  With tornadoes threatening the evening mid way through, we were incredibly thankful so many took cover and rode the storm out with us.  The turnout after the tornado threat was more than we could have imagined!  The show continued on with cover band Pearl Nation playing into the night.  A police dog demonstration was given by some of the police personnel which was the highlight of the evening for some in the younger crowd.  All of this while Black Sheep Burgers and Shakes was grilling incredible one of a kind burgers and passing them around.  Who doesn’t love unlimited burgers and shakes?  We helped plan, organize and host Black Loves Blue while promoting it on many media outlets such as our social media pages and the local news.   While there are no amount of words to thank the Springfield Police Department for what they do daily, we want to say thank you to the Springfield Police Foundation for allowing us to help with this event for our May 2017 Calendar For A Cause.  We hope to continue to have a role in future Black loves Blue events benefiting the Springfield Police Foundation.

Josh Stewart